Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener published his edition of the Textus Receptus in 1894. It was not intended to be a standalone edition advocating the readings he favored; it was instead a reconstruction of the Greek Text used by the King James translators. The KJV translators consulted several editions, so there had been no previous edition exactly reflecting their textual decisions.
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- Text (pre-formatted raw ASCII): Download here. (This file may be freely distributed by anyone without any restrictions.)
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- Text (Stevens and Scrivener, pre-formatted raw ASCII): Download here. (This file may be freely distributed by anyone without any restrictions.)
- Text (Stevens and Scrivener, parsed): Download here. (This file may be freely distributed by anyone without any restrictions.)
- Collation with Robinson-Pierpont 2005: Download here. (This file may be freely distributed by anyone without any restrictions.)